Stacey Blount's Rising Stars Organization

Trenton Lower Makefield Township Mercer County

Stacey Blount's Rising Stars Organization strives to enrich and empower young women to become leaders, to take part in advancing their communities, to increase their goals for their education, and to prepare for future economic opportunities.


Stacey Blount’s Rising Stars Non-Profit Organization aims to curate a safe and inclusive space within underserved communities for young women, between the ages of twelve and eighteen, where they will develop their voice and strengthen their leadership abilities. Our specifically designed activities will empower these young women to tackle any challenges they may face head on.

Our goals include:

1. SBRS mentors, volunteers, and community partners will work together to provide opportunities and resources to help further these young women’s educational, life-skills, and character development.

2. Create programs, workshops, and events to help young women hone their skills through: community organizing and service, goal setting, advocacy, communication, and public speaking.

3. Promote a space where young women encourage their peers to pursue personal development.

4. Enhance their views of confidence and self-determination to help internalize healthy ideas and notions of themselves.

5. Bolster financial literacy through lessons that will review examples such as: opening and managing a bank account, saving money, credit, and student loans.